Extended reality tools to support learning activities in engineering
Goals of the Project
- The main objective of XREN is to enhance the digital skills of young engineers, with a special focus on XR technologies and support the use of XR in higher education courses in engineering. XR provides substantial assistance to educators and instructors who aim to integrate these technologies into their teaching. Immersive and collaborative XR experiences prove highly effective in enhancing learning by delivering engaging content and improving comprehension as students engage with challenging technical and design tasks.
- The project focuses on the design, implementation, test and validation of XR based workflows to support learning activities in engineering. A special focus is given to sustainability with re-manufacturing processes aimed at repairing and recycling products. The workflows, including specifications on the intended learning outcomes, the data and the associated tools, will be documented and disseminated.
Co-design labs and workshops
- Students from the different partners institutions will take part in XR remote learning co-design labs, where they will develop and test the XR learning workflows. Joined workshops will involve students and tutors in a full immersion hands on learning experience taking advantage of XR technologies.

University of Belgrade
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Petar B. Petrovic, Lazar Matijasevic, Božica Bojović
The University of Belgrade, UBelg, is the biggest and the oldest public university in Serbia. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UB-FME, is one of 11 engineering faculties at the UBelg. Cyber-Manufacturing Systems Laboratory is a research and education unit of UB-FME, specialised in the field of cyber-physical manufacturing systems, including robotics, collaborative and autonomous systems, smart manufacturing systems, manufacturing mechatronics, industrial IoT, AI and other fields relevant to the Industry 4.0 / 5.0 and Smart Manufacturing.
CNR Stiima
Institute of intelligent industrial technologies and systems for advanced manufacturing
Walter Terkaj, Marta Mondellini, Sara Arlati
CNR-STIIMA is an institute of the National Research Council of Italy. The institute of intelligent industrial technologies and systems for advanced manufacturing deals with scientific research, development, technology transfer, training and strategic roadmapping to foster the innovation, competitiveness and sustainability of companies and to promote the central role of people in companies and society.
Politecnico of Milan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Marcello Urgo, Pietro Piazzolla, Giorgio Colombo
Politecnico di Milano is one of the most outstanding universities in the world. The mission of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to deliver world-class research and education in Mechanical Engineering, with a particular focus on industrial applications in the field of energy, transportation, sustainable mobility, and advanced manufacturing.
Tallinn University of Technology
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Kashif Mahmood, Tauno Otto, Simone Pizzagalli, Ivan Symotiuk, Rostyslav Boychuk, Karolina Perv
Tallinn University of Technology, TalTech, is one of the largest and the most international university in Estonia, a leader in providing interdisciplinary engineering and economic higher education in the country. The department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering deals with product development, production engineering, transportation and logistics, industrial engineering and management, materials science, metal processing and technology of other engineering materials.